Archive for the ‘ Social ’ Category

Lyapis Trubetskoy – Kapital

This is a fantastic animated music video for Belarus band Lyapis Trubetskoy for a track called “Kapital”. If full of great propaganda
style images of well known leaders on the far left!
Here is a translation of some of the lyrics :

“I eat gold bricks for lunch,
Diamond dessert, oil cream.
My name is Beelzebub : the master of stratosphere,
I am unbelievably cool and commonly respected.
In my left hand is a Snikers, in my right hand is a Mars.
My PR manager is Karl Marx.
In my left hand is a Snikers, in my right hand is a Mars.
My PR manager is Karl Marx.
Capital! Capital! Capital! Capital!
My face is Madonna, all filled with rotten pears.
All kneel! The orchestra play flourish!
Capital! Capital! Capital! Capital!

(Translated by grazhyna via sasitv on YouTube)
There’s a better version available from here, but I couldn’t embed it in the blog.

Also, use this LINK to view or download a Quicktime of it.

Re-Inventing ©ulture

Well, here it is. Re-Inventing ©ulture is an audiovisual mashup which I put together on top of a 25 minute soundtrack mixed by ThinkToy. They say a picture tells a thousand stories, so I’ll let the piece speak for itself. Roll it there….

There is a much higher quality version on my pages on Stage6. I decided not to embed it here as it requires you to get DivX on your machine. This way it wont appear as a broken link if you don’t have DivX. I hope to remedy this soon though with a script that will present it first in DivX if you have it, if not it will be FLV. So for now here is a direct link to the high quality version.

Re-Inventing ©ulture on Stage6

Also, there is an iPod friendly version here, on ThinkToy’s website. Be sure to subscribe to his awesome podcasts. Visit ThinkToy.