Archive for the ‘ ITISON ’ Category

bbc zombies

here i little something i made..

Well this goes back a few months, but then again i haven’t added much here in months either. I’m just fixing some broken things in my WordPress install as well as running a theme for mobile devices. Everything is kind of working now apart from the front page. Here you should just see summaries so that you have to click to go to the full post. For some reason this is not working right now. There was an earlier problem with the database which was further screwed up by a plugin doing something else.

watch “bbc zombies” on YouTube.

RemixTV (2004)

This is an experimental videomix I made back in 2004. It is about 1 hour and 10 minutes in duration, broken up here into 8 parts to fulfill youtube limits.

The video was made by feeding live television into Arkaos VJ software and also through an Edirol V4 video mixer. Then I went about channel hopping while mixing some music with the audio from the television coming in occasionally.

Some of this is good, some of this is bad. I had planned to edit this down to a “best of” 20 minute or so mix, but that is a task for another day and would detract for the idea of a live remix somewhat. The audio levels fluctuate a bit as the ads are always louder and so is not very professional in that regard. However, it works ok.

I have done this type of thing many times but this was stored on a drive for over 5 years
and so i decided to put it out there.

So, it’s old, it’s a bit messy but it is what it is. television reprocessed with music.

watch all 8 parts on YouTube .

Oh blog, oh blog, why have I foresaken thee?

Well sorry about that, I have been in other parts of the internets, building and testing other things, other spaces.
But more than that, it has been about connecting the dots, joining information together, organising it. Linking relevant content is something I do in a editing sense with video, but is it static, it does not give you (as in, the viewer) leads. With the web you can do this and remixes happen naturally by site hopping much akin to channel hopping back in the tv days. Forming links between information encourages education. It allows you to open your mind. It allows you to escape from mass media and search deeper into news and history.

I have been working on ideas with this in mind.

To see some of it, go to [work in progress please excuse the mess]

More soon.