Mashthenet is a new night running in Dublin brought to you by The Streamlounge & IT:IS:ON, whereby the internet is remixed live for your eyes on the big screen (and some small screens). The first one was held last Thursday night (26/07/07) in the Hop-House on Parnell St. The event was put on by Eoghan Kidney and myself as a reaction to the YouTube Saloon, which Eoghan had organised as part of this years Darklight Symposium. So we got together to make this a regular fixture, put it in a bar environment and ask people to come along and present their favourite videos, mash them up, remix them and generally have some fun with them. Audience interaction is encouraged and welcomed and requests are based on the flow of the themes from the videos. You get the idea.
Well the night was a great laugh and went down very well. We had guest sets from Sophie Merry and Simon Doyle who both showed us some fantastic videos. We didn’t have as many screen going as we would have liked, but it all worked quite well. As it was the first night it was good to give it a test run to see how we can set it up better for the next time.
Unfortunatley I didn’t get any video footage at this one, but if you want to get and idea of what it was like, have a look at the YouTube Saloon at Darklight from the Bubble podcast.
Big thanks to Lee, Joe, Kim and all the staff at the Hop House and to Sophie, Simon and everyone who came down for the night. The next one should be sometime at the end of August. Stay tuned.