Posts Tagged ‘ Fun

Will it Blend?

Will it mix, will it blend? This guy finds out. An iPhone, no less, no more.
It’s just black dust!

This has gotta be seen. It’s funny that this is done with an iPhone, it has obviously catapulted this YouTube channel into the stratosphere, what with people seeing if it’s true. It is true! The iPhone is not indestructible. The blender used here is obviously an industrial high end type and will chew plastic with ease. This is so good that I had to subscribe, so I can check out all the things that get blended.

This video was added 2 days ago. It’s got almost 700,000 views in that time and counting by the second. There is an iPod one which has over 3 million views so this one is gonna top the YouTube charts I reckon. It will be old news soon. Sometime next week!

Anyway it just goes to show our fascination for technology and also our appetite for destruction.

Now serving…..

I’ll end this with my always a1 apple advice! Don’t buy an iPhone, yet. It will only get better, cheaper, bigger (storage), better…..

The remains of the iPhone are for sale on Ebay

current bid = $1200 !

Don't Dance!

Found this on Create Digital Music. This is very funny indeed. I agree with Peter that it should be Glitch Remixed. I might have a go!

Human Tetris

I love these wacky Japanese game shows. This is a very funny one. Thanks to Mongrel for spotting this one.