Posts Tagged ‘ Culture

In Rainbows

In Rainbows website

Well, fair play to Radiohead. I heard about what they were up to a few days back and it brought a smile to my face. It’s common knowledge now that Thom and his team have put their new album “In Rainbows” up online for digital download at whatever price you’d like to pay for it. This is really gonna shake up the music industry, they’ve made a very important statement here. You can pre-order a vinyl (with cd) boxset for £40 also and you get the digital download for free. But the real action is with the download itself, costing whatever you can afford, or want, to pay for it.

I’ve not yet heard it myself but will get it soon. But for now I say; “hats off to Radiohead”

More info on the album is on a Wiki page here.

Nialler9 does a good 1st impressions review here.

Hicksdesign have some ideas for cover art for the digital version here.

A web survey that’s asks how much you paid for the album is here.

[edit] 13.10.07 – now that i’ve got to listen to it a few times; well, i like it. a lot. aptly for me, the track ‘Videotape’ is one of my favs, as is “House Of Cards”.

Picnic '07

Picnic’07 montage

Picnic Network is a creative media festival which takes place in Amsterdam. I was fortunate to be an invited guest of DivX / Stage6 at the festival last week. On Wednesday I was on a panel entitled “Digital Video – The New Creative Process” as part of a day long session regarding “Transforming Media”. I got to meet lots of very interesting people with like minds starting with the good folks from DivX / Stage 6 ; Genevieve, Ben, Jim, Melissa, James and Jordan. The panel discussions were very stimulating as it represented a good cross section of people with new ideas for the creation and distribution of quality digital media. The following people participated alongside myself:

> M dot Strange – We Are The Strange – fantastic animator of a strange and extraordinary piece of work.
> Gabriel McIntyre – – founding member of a forward thinking organisation of vloggers and a whole lot more.
> Jamie King – Steal This Film – director of the film about piracy online featuring The Pirate Bay as a case study.
> Henrik Moltke – Good Copy / Bad Copy – director of this excellent film, see my review of this from a while back
> Wendy Bernfeld – Rights Stuff – founder of advisory group for media companies
> Steven Lee – Star Wreck Studios – CEO of groundbreaking Finnish film company which explores space and beyond on a shoestring.
> Ton Roosendaal – Blender – Founder of groundbreaking animation solution, Blender.

And this was just the first day! – a great way to kick off an exciting week of new discoveries.

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Promo for "Tar Over Tara?" documentary…

Tara landscape

I have put up a rough promo for the documentary currently in production about the debate surrounding the Tara valley and the M3 motorway. For more information see the campaign site Save Tara.

Watch it in full quality with DivX here.

{EDIT : I have taken down the Flash version from Dailymotion while production is in process. You can still use the link above which will take you to where all the Tara project information and media will live}