Posts Tagged ‘ Culture

Darklight Symposium

darlight symposium graphic

Well, this post is a bit late but it relates to the Darklight Symposium which was held here in Dublin two weekends back. Well unfortunately I missed most of it as I was up to my eyes finishing off some work. It was a bit of a waste of the admission fee in fairness for me, as I really wanted to partake in the talk on the future of television. It was called “Television: 2.0 The Future of TV” and you can find out a bit more about it on the Darklight blog here
There is an podcast of the talk available from the blog and I just finished listening to it. It was all very interesting but I did find myself disagreeing with a lot of what most of the panel talked about as well as views from the audience. I have been immersed in this area with my own company for the past year and a half as well as with previous positions I have held. I won’t go into too much details on my opinions on the topic as they are central to my business plan and all will be revealed on that soon. One thing I will say, is that I believe that the future of audiovisual entertainment will be more creative when the power is taken away from the broadcasters. Read more

Just digging.

Not that I need reminding but I’ve been going though my gigabytes of files and trying to put some order on them. I back stuff up regularly, but this means the files are not readily accessible. I use a program called CDFinder to catalogue all backed up cds an dvds so that it’s easy to find files without loading the discs. Its a very handy program, but I also need to keep a lot of stuff on external drives so I can have easy access to them. My total personal storage is well over 2TB (terrabytes) and although this includes a couple of damaged Lacie drives which I avoid using, it is still a hugh amount. Video is by far the biggest occupant of drive space and I like to keep all my video work on dedicated drives. But for some projects it just spills over and sometime things get lost (for a while). So as well as my usual Inbox / Outbox file management systems I would like to use something like smart tagging to find files. Automator allows adding annotations to any file Quicktime will play. This is very handy but it doesn’t allow you to add words in the Keywords dialogue box. What I would like is an application that is somewhere between iVideo and Postmap for better organising of video files. Anyway enough on that. My favourite new app is Journler which is simply an amazing organisational tool. From now on, clippings, pdfs and other research items will go in here for better sorting of thought and ideas. This is a great application and is free for personal use. I purchased it because I feel it is an essential tool for my both in business and in life. Try it now from here. (Oh, it is a Mac app and let it be known that most software I review here is for Mac unless stated)

Here is something I found to remind me to get a certain project finished. It was started a long time ago but will be worth while when it is complete. Although it is a big project the main reason it’s still in progress is that so many other things have needed my attention beforehand. Anyway its coming soon enough and I will add some preview clips up here in a few days.

Universal stars on YouTube

I noticed a few days ago that Universal Music Group now have their official channel up on YouTube. There are over 3,500 videos up here so far.
This is at a time when YouTube is been scourged for copyright infringement and lots of videos are being removed. This move by Universal raises new questions on the future of worldwide copyright. I would be very interested to know how the money changes hands between advertisers, Youtube and Universal. The quality of a lot of the encodes leaves a lot to be desired however and tags are not done very well thus making it no very searchable.