Archive for September, 2010


todaay b tawlk like a pirate day. dats awl i harve to sayr.

relayted viddyoh

Greenpeace vs Facebook (et al)

This is sure to ruffle some feathers! [ <-- that would have been a better joke if this was about Twitter! -ed (me!)] So Greenpeace have gone after Facebook with this, I would say, intentionally childish video. It makes it's point well though. These new super companies (such as Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft..) are building new infrastructure for their services and they have the money to do so. They are doing this at a time when there is a need to roll out sustainable infrastructure and as such they should lead by example here. Tech industries with a big stake in the internet are one of the few industries which are expanding at present and they have a great opportunity to show how it can be done in a way that is both sustainable and ethical.

Everything Is A Remix

This is the first of a four part series about the history of remix in music, Everything is A Remix, by Kirby Ferguson. In this part, he takes a look at the wider definition of remix as in the borrowing of riffs and beats so common throughout modern popular music.  It’s refreshing to see such reminders of the history of modern music at a time when one of the music industry’s biggest pursuits is in the courts suing the fans. So music artists are influenced by others and they copy? Of course they do, and they do it a lot. Sound familiar? It’s nothing new and only natural.  Do you copy?!

visit the website Everything Is A Remix for more information on this project.

– Yes, yes, for those in the know, I will unleash my thing soon!