Archive for June, 2007

Red: A new name in moving pictures..

red camera

The new Red digital cinema camera is sure to have a massive effect on the film & television industries when it is released. Peter Jackson has shot a little movie on the 4k camera which the company are using to promote the camera. For such an advanced piece of kit to come out of a new company is refreshing. Maybe in a year or two I can get my hands on one! For more info see the Red website here and check out the previews on Apple Pro here

Bye, Bye, Trailer Park Boys


Well I’ve just watched the final episode of one of my favourite ever television shows. I’m going to miss the escapades of Ricky, Julian and Bubbles and indeed all the residents of Sunny Vale trailer park. The Canadian show Trailer Park Boys is one of the best things to hit our screens. It is a brilliantly made, pretend to be documentary on the lives of a gang of dope smoking, alcoholic, jail loving layabouts who above all, have a good life!

Yes, life is good at Sunny Vale and as you hear the opening music you wonder what is going to go down this time. The boys are always on the quest to make money and will go to the most extraordinary ways to get it. The characters are all brilliantly written and we can really identify with them. Well, if you haven’t seen it already, you’re missing out, big time. I won’t go into what it’s all about here, you either know it or you don’t. There are seven seasons in total, plus a movie, a pilot movie, and a documentary. I’ve watched them all. And I love them. This is must see television. For more info go to the official website here

Or watch some on here.

it is on now

A Spot of Leopard

Well Apple have preview some more of the 300 new features of the new installment of OS X, Leopard. Steve Jobs gave his keynote speech at WWDC ’07. Well it looks good. There is some amazing new Finder functionality whereby searches allow Cover Flow like iTunes currently does. This looks really cool. This function also allows searching over .Mac, which is a good thing as the service has been due an upgrade for a few years. Rumor has it that Google may be having a look under the bonnet of .Mac. Better search and organising of files are a blessing for all of us Mac heads.

For me the most exciting thing was the demonstration of Core Animation. This is automatic animation. A step up on the path from Quartz, this allows applications to be more interactive. The video search tool looks great where you can search videos by tags and get a very cool display of all your videos.

Check out the video here.