Archive for April 12th, 2007

Universal stars on YouTube

I noticed a few days ago that Universal Music Group now have their official channel up on YouTube. There are over 3,500 videos up here so far.
This is at a time when YouTube is been scourged for copyright infringement and lots of videos are being removed. This move by Universal raises new questions on the future of worldwide copyright. I would be very interested to know how the money changes hands between advertisers, Youtube and Universal. The quality of a lot of the encodes leaves a lot to be desired however and tags are not done very well thus making it no very searchable.

Re-Inventing ©ulture

Well, here it is. Re-Inventing ©ulture is an audiovisual mashup which I put together on top of a 25 minute soundtrack mixed by ThinkToy. They say a picture tells a thousand stories, so I’ll let the piece speak for itself. Roll it there….

There is a much higher quality version on my pages on Stage6. I decided not to embed it here as it requires you to get DivX on your machine. This way it wont appear as a broken link if you don’t have DivX. I hope to remedy this soon though with a script that will present it first in DivX if you have it, if not it will be FLV. So for now here is a direct link to the high quality version.

Re-Inventing ©ulture on Stage6

Also, there is an iPod friendly version here, on ThinkToy’s website. Be sure to subscribe to his awesome podcasts. Visit ThinkToy.